I crammed my bag full of swimsuits and T-shirts and caught the sleeper down to Beziers 我把泳衣和T恤衫塞进包里,乘卧铺前往贝济耶。
When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; 当你老了当你老了,头白了,睡思昏沉,炉火旁打盹,请取下这部诗歌,慢慢读,回想你过去眼神的柔和,回想它们昔日浓重的阴影;
When using the washing machine, be sure there` s a full load and turn the temperature down if it` s not really grubby. 使用洗衣机时,确认满载,如果衣服不是很脏就把温度调低。
At this very moment, countless people, from Africa, Asia and Latin America, and indeed from all places still under the shadow of hunger and poverty, are looking to us, their eyes full of expectation, and we cannot let them down. 此时此刻,无数双充满期待的眼睛,正在从非洲大陆,从亚洲和拉美,从世界仍在饥饿和贫困笼罩下的地方默默注视着我们。我们没有理由让他们失望。
I suggest that you keep the diet full of tasty but healthy food and lay the table creatively so that it looks good when you sit down to eat. 我建议你的饮食应该都是美味健康的食物,餐具摆放得要有创意,因此当你坐下吃饭时一切都看起来很棒。
Since the airliner's fuel tanks were filled at the time of the emergency landing, the captain had to use full brakes to slow it down on the runway and firefighters had to cool down the wheels with water, experts said. 因为紧急着陆的时候飞机的油箱是满的,机长必须在跑道上全力刹车使其慢下来,消防队员不得不用水冷却轮子,专家说。
But Jayson is no longer a young, innocent lad and uses the full scope of his military skills and goal-setting to avoid detection and track down clues to his father's killers. 但是杰森不再是一位年轻无邪的小夥子,利用军事技能躲避侦察并追踪杀父凶手的线索。
When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book. 当你年老,鬓斑,睡意昏沉,在炉旁打盹时,取下这本书。
Look, Deng Jun got it again, he's beaten the full back and is racing down the goal. 瞧,邓军又得到球了,他绕过那名后卫,往球门带球。
I saw that from what appeared to be his waist up he looked like glowing metal, as if full of fire, and that from there down he looked like fire; and brilliant light surrounded him. 我观看、见狂风从北方刮来、随著有一朵包括闪烁火的大云、周围有光辉、从其中的火内发出好像光耀的精金。
Unfortunately the treaty is full of generalities, and fails to get down to specific 遗憾的是条约很笼统,订得不具体
Examine how companies with partial or full foreign investment are complying with national and international laws and take measures from fining to closing down those that violate those laws. 对有部分和全部是外国投资的企业如何遵守国内法和国际法进行考察,对违法者予以罚款直至关闭。
If the clouds are full of rain, they send it down on the earth; and if a tree comes down to the south, or the north, in whatever place it comes down, there it will be. 云若满了雨,就必倾倒在地上。树若向南倒,或向北倒,树倒在何处,就存在何处。
He was running at full tilt when he slipped and fell down. 他正全速奔跑时滑了一下,摔倒了。
Which is why, we, in the Palestinian Authority will offer our full support in helping the United States conduct free and unbiased elections prior to sitting down to the negotiating table. 正因为如此,我们巴勒斯坦民族权力机构将全力协助美国举行自由和不带偏见的选举,然后再坐到谈判桌旁。
The full extent of the damage wrought by durian is not yet known because power and telephone lines have been brought down, but as many as22000 people across the region are thought to have been affected. 因为力量和电话线被降低了,由榴莲做的损坏的最大程度还没被知道,但是同样多象越过这个区域的22000个人一样被认为被假装了。
Three-phase full wave constant voltage rectifier a diamond is everlasting and can Be handed down from generation to generation. 三相全波恒压整流器钻石恒久远,世代相流传。
The full package of amendments would strengthen the process of applying for citizenship and crack down on citizenship fraud. 整个修正案将会加强公民身份申请以及打击欺诈性公民身份。
He lay back at full stretch over the sharp rocks, cramming the scribbled note and pencil into a pocket, his hat tilted down on his eyes. 他直着身子仰卧在巉岩上,把匆忙中写的便条和铅笔塞进兜里,将帽子拉歪,遮上眼睛。
But it took the full military and industrial power of the United States to face down the might of Iraq. 可是需要美国全部军事及工业力量才能令伊拉克的势力屈服。
No longer ago than yesterday noon, my Tom took and filled the cat full of Pain-killer, and I did think the cretur would tear the house down. 就在昨天中午,我的汤姆逮住猫给它灌了很多止痛药,当时我认为这下子它会把家给毁掉。
Furthermore the small stool under my buns was very boring, the small stools under our buns were all made of pure irons just for the sounds being full of power and grandeur when we put down our stools. 另外还有就是屁股底下的小凳子,为了在放凳子的时候声音能够整齐划一、气吞山河,所以我们屁股下面的小凳子都是用纯铁做的。
The tool provide full WSDL Coverage Analysis both at the operation and schema levels, all the way down to which element is tested. 这个工具提供了包含操作层面和模式层面的完整的WSDL覆盖程度分析,到达每个元素的所有路径都被测试过了。
The man poured a full glass of whisky, and set down the bottle noiselessly. 那人斟了满满的一杯威士忌,轻轻地放下瓶子。
By using low pass digital filter, middle value filter and 2D FFT, the wave field of full waveform logging data can be separated, and the direct Stoneley wave, the up and down reflected Stoneley wave sections can be obtained. 通过低通滤波、中值滤波、二维频率滤波等处理对全波列进行波场分离,可分别得到直达斯通利波、上行和下行的反射斯通利波,并由此计算出斯通利波的透射和反射系数。
Mellow and full, wandering up and down is the aesthetic style of the form of Chinese dance, which is seen in the formal features such as twisting, leaning, bening and circular, in the slim and graceful postures, and wonderful rotation. 拧、倾、曲、圆的形态特征,轻盈流动的舞姿,精彩绝伦的旋转形象共同构成古代舞蹈审美形式层面上“圆润流转”的美学风格;
AS to compensate power factor, paper shows how to connect capacitors for shunt starting in dealing with heavy load motor in difficult starting condition to make full utilization of the equipment and cut down line loss. 结合功率因数补偿问题,提出了并接起动用电容器的联结方法,使在起动条件较困难的情况下,能起动负荷较大的电机,尽量利用设备,减少线路损耗。
In spite of the decline of the status of Five Classics as the traditional basis of exegesis and the increase of the status of Four Books which is full of mind and reason, the status of the "Book of Changes" has not fallen down. 尽管这一时期传统上作为训诂考据对象的《五经》体系地位下降,蕴含心性义理的《四书》地位上升,但《周易》的地位并没有回落。
Five principles refer to: focused on the customers 'satisfaction, full and effective flow of clear process, pay attention to the relevance and continuity of the process, down authorization and responsibilities to individuals. 五项原则是指以客户满意为中心、流程有效完整清晰、注重流程的关联性和连续性、向下授权和责任落实到个人等原则。
The relative conductivity reached to maximum after drought stress for 10d and it was high up to 48.3% under the full daylight and down to 31.7% under the 60% shading. 相对电导率在干旱10d时达到最大值,且全光照下相对电导率最高,为48.3%,而遮光60%最低,为31.7%。